Foods & Recipes

Food—correctly defined— nourishes the body. Many substances unfortunately are incorrectly labeled (and thought of) as food. People who study Scripture know that when we mix Truth with error, we get into trouble. The same thing happens with our physical body. When we mix true food with substances that are harmful to the body (in any way), our body gets into trouble. Just like Adam and Eve did not immediately die after eating the forbidden fruit, we usually don't die immediately either after eating a true food mixed with harmful substances. Eating inappropriate substances continually for years and decades is what eventually kills a human body.

Before the Flood in Noah's day, humans did not eat animals. We need to consider going back to not eating animals for our protein sources. Why? Because animals raised for food today (unless one raises their own) are no longer cared for appropriately—many are diseased and full of antibiotics that all gets passed onto the person consuming the animal. It's all about the money. The problem is that one simply does not know what else they are getting when they eat a steak, chicken, turkey, or fish. Leviticus 11 is clear about what is unclean and clean, but too many people ignore those Scripture warnings and eat all sorts of unclean animals—lobster and shrimp just to name two. We have to fine tune every day. We have to get closer to our Creator every day. We belong to Him. Our bodies are His Temples. We must respect that and act accordingly.